
Some examples of what Open Terms Archive exposes, as identified by independent contributors

Facebook bans States from denying the use of violence in an invasion

Facebook ▪ Community Guidelines ▪ April 28, 2022

YouTube closes its fast-track content flagging program to individuals

YouTube ▪ Community Guidelines ▪ April 27, 2022

Terrorists and their content banned from Twitter

Twitter ▪ Community Guidelines ▪ April 20, 2022

Twitter clarifies its content suspensions rules and allows appeal

Twitter ▪ Copyright Claims Policy ▪ April 13, 2022

YouTube adds health data to the information prohibited from being published

YouTube ▪ Community Guidelines ▪ April 12, 2022

Instagram adds a posting ban to protect copyright

Instagram ▪ Community Guidelines ▪ March 28, 2022

Instagram commits to informing in case of content removal

Instagram ▪ Terms of Service ▪ February 20, 2022

Instagram blocks data retrieval and clarifies what information it retrieves

Instagram ▪ Community Guidelines , Terms of use , Privacy Policy ▪ November 3, 2021 - November 10, 2021 - November 16, 2021

Qwant details data shared with Microsoft

Qwant ▪ Privacy Policy ▪ November 2, 2021

Protonmail clarifies its privacy policies

Protonmail ▪ Privacy Policy ▪ September 6, 2021

Alibaba adds disease outbreaks to its disclaimer

Alibaba ▪ Terms of use ▪ June 23, 2020